Tuesday 16 January 2018

How much freedom and equality matters for each American and how everyone can make a difference by standing up and raising their voice for what they believe in


Montgomery Bus Boycott
The Montgomery bus boycott was a spark to the American civil rights movement. Every
new American citizen should learn about the Montgomery bus boycott. On December 1st, 1955
an African American woman named Rosa Parks refused to give her seat to a white man on a bus
in Montgomery, Alabama. She was immediately arrested and fined afterwards. Four days later,
the Montgomery bus boycott began. It lasted about 13 months and led to victory for the Civil
Rights movement. The outcome of this boycott led to the U.S Supreme Court ruling that
segregation on any public buses was determined unconstitutional.
Every new American citizen should learn about the Montgomery bus boycott because
it changed and represented many things. After this boycott people changed the way they lived
and reacted towards each other. This boycott fought for freedom and showed that the equal
amount of respect given to white people should be the same towards African Americans.
Regardless of what skin color we are, we should be entitled to sit anywhere we’d like. The
Montgomery bus boycott is a representation of bravery, courage, self-respect, equality and
freedom of rights. Rosa Parks is the main representation of bravery and self-respect in this event.
This is more than Rosa Parks just “giving up a seat”. That seat was like her self-respect, 1 Qayum2 her right, her freewill to choose where she wanted to sit and she wasn’t going to let some white
privileged man take away that right from her so swiftly. Rosa fought for what she believed
wasn’t right. She fought for her self-respect and the respect for all African Americans. It’s
important for every new American citizen to learn about this event because it shows how much
freedom and equality matters for each American and how everyone can make a difference by
standing up and raising their voice for what they believe in.
I chose this specific topic “The Montgomery Bus Boycott” because I feel like this was a
remarkable event in American history. After reading about this event, you start to realize how
important your respect, rights, and beliefs are. This topic sheds light to important factors we
seem to forget about, and that is the importance of freedom, equality, and bravery for each
individual regardless of what skin color or race we are. As previously stated, every new
American citizen should learn about the Montgomery Bus Boycott to be reminded of how much
our voice matters and to fight for what we believe in.

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