Tuesday 16 January 2018

Find a member of your group. What are their beliefs? Values? Is the information you uncover in your discussion consistent with the research profiles?


Written Assignment - Consumer GroupsWritten Assignment Instructions
You've read a lot about customers, demographics, preferences, buyer behavior and more. And when you are selling a product or service this is key. In this assignment you will research a consumer group. Popular titles for consumer groups include: Generation X, Generation Y, Baby Boomers, Senior Citizens, Tweens, Kids, etc. Use research become an expert on one consumer group's demographics, psychographics, preferences, beliefs and buying patterns. Interview a member of this core group to reinforce what you've learned. Then choose a product or campaign you feel has met this group's needs and tell why.
Assignment Structure:
1.    Choose a Consumer Group: Use research to examine the following: How is this group defined? Who are they? What are their demographics? Psychographics? Values? Attitudes? Beliefs? What are their buying patterns? What brands to they identify with?
2.    Interview: Find a member of your group. What are their beliefs? Values? Is the information you uncover in your discussion consistent with the research profiles?
3.    Note: In a real-world application, this exercise would involve extensive interviews, focus groups, surveys -- other broad based research applications for this assessment. This interview is for for directional feedback for this assignment only.
4.    Strategic Application: Is there a marketer who captured the ideals and lifestyle of your chosen consumer group through a campaign or communication vehicle? Use examples discuss how the marketer understood this group. In your opinion, did the messaging make a true connection with the audience? Why or why not?
In exploring consumer groups, be sure to cite research references (and use information from the text) to support your position. Use APA format for your sources. Paper should be approximately five pages in length.
Evaluation Criteria:
·         Have you provided a clear description of a consumer group?
·         Did you interview a member of this group?
·         Have you applied your understanding of the group and connected it with a product or campaign that relates to it?

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